• Bond22 - ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ ISD

  • $0 School Tax Rate Impact | School property tax rates will not increase as a result of this bond proposal.

  • ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ ISD Tax Rate

    The ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ ISD tax rate will not change as a result of the 2022 bond election.

    M&O $0.8659 + I&S $0.4139 = Total Tax Rate $1.2798

    The 2020–2021 total tax rate was $1.3803 per $100 of taxable value.
    The 2021–2022 total tax rate was $1.3380 per $100 of taxable value.
    The 2022–2023 total tax rate is $1.2798 per $100 of taxable value.

    M&O (0.8659) + I&S (0.4139)=Total ($1.2798)

    With the I&S rate at 41.39 cents, the District has been able to pay down existing debt at a faster rate, which has positioned the District to have additional bonding capacity now and in the future to address facility improvements. Since 2014, the Board has approved prepayments of $29 million of bond principal saving taxpayers more than $20.2 million in future interest payments.

    About Public School Tax Rates

    The first bucket is the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) budget, which funds daily costs and recurring expenditures such as teacher and staff salaries, supplies, insurance and utilities.

    The second bucket is the Interest & Sinking (I&S) budget, also known as Debt Service, which is used to repay debt for capital improvements approved by voters through bond elections.

    Proceeds from a bond issue can be used for the construction and renovation of facilities, the acquisition of land, and the purchase of capital items such as equipment, technology and transportation. By law, I&S funds cannot be used to pay M&O expenses which means that I&S funds cannot be used to pay teachers or pay for rising costs for utilities and services.

Additional ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ ISD Tax Information

  • ²ÝÁñÊÓƵowners Over 65

  • Understanding Your Tax Bill

  • The Facts about Higher Tax Bills

  • Important Notice. Please Read.
    ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ ISD’s bond referendum will not increase the property tax rate for homeowners or businesses. However, a new state law requires all school bond referendum propositions to include ballot language that reads “THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE.” Passage of the bond package will not result in an increase in the property tax rate, despite the ballot language stating that there will be a tax increase.